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FCE – Writing Correction

First Certificate in English (B2) – Writing Correction

Wir korrigieren IHre Essays

Die homestudies FCE-Writing Correction bereitet Sie optimal auf den schriftlichen Teil Ihrer Cambridge First-Prüfung vor. Ihr persönlicher FCE-Writing Coach korrigiert und bewertet Ihre Arbeiten. So können Sie Ihre Schreibkompetenz effizient und nachhaltig verbessern.  


Bei der First B2-Prüfung kann aus verschiedenen Writing-Aufgaben ausgewählt werden. Sie können unsere Beispiel-Aufgaben (siehe weiter unten) lösen oder Ihre eigenen Arbeiten bzw. Essays schreiben. Nach der Buchung eines unserer Pakete können Sie Ihre Essays direkt per E-Mail an uns senden. Senden Sie uns am besten zuerst einen einzelnen Text. So können Sie beim zweiten Text direkt auf dem professionellen Feedback Ihres FCE-Experten aufbauen. 

Wichtige Tipps für Ihr Essay

  • Beantworten Sie die Fragen immer vollständig.
  • Verwenden Sie für Ihr FCE Writing eine klare Struktur.
  • Achten Sie auf die richtige Tonalität bzw. Formalitätsstufe.
  • Benutzen Sie ein passendes und breites Vokabular. 
  • Achten Sie auf einen Mehrwert für den Leser.


  • Start jederzeit möglich
  • Korrektur innerhalb von 48h 
    Montag bis Freitag
  • Korrektur von FCE-Experten

FCE Vorbereitungskurs

Absolvieren Sie einen unserer First Certificate Vorbereitungskurse und bereiten sich optimal auf Ihre bevorstehende Prüfung vor.

homestudies FCE Writing Aufgaben

FCE Exam – Paper 2: Writing

TOPIC 1 – Part 1

You must answer this question. Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

  1. Your class has been talking about what activities people do to keep fit. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write your essay using all the notes provided. You must also give reasons for your opinions.

“It is better to exercise with other people than by yourself”

Do you agree?


You must write about:

  1. Having more fun.
  2. Making new friends.
  3. ……………. (your own idea)

FCE Exam – Paper 2: Writing

TOPIC 2 – Part 1

You must answer this question. Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

  1. Your class has been talking about first impressions. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write your essay using all the notes provided. You must also give reasons for your opinions.

“We should not judge people on the way they look”
Do you agree?


You must write about:

  1. whether the way people look is important
  2. why people choose certain clothes, hairstyles, etc.
  3. ……………. (your own idea)

FCE Exam – Paper 2: Writing

TOPIC 3 – Part 1

You must answer this question. Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

  1. Your class has been talking about studying English abroad. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write your essay using all the notes provided. You must also give reasons for your opinions.

“Some people say that studying English abroad involves more disadvantages than advantages”

Do you agree?


You must write about:

  1. the costs involved
  2. problems with the host culture
  3. ……………. (your own idea)

FCE Exam – Paper 2: Writing

TOPIC 4 – Part 1

You must answer this question. Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

  1. Your class has been talking about foreign travel. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write your essay using all the notes provided. You must also give reasons for your opinions.

“Some people say that you can learn about other cultures and countries through books, documentaries and the internet, so it is no longer necessary to travel abroad”

Do you agree?


You must write about:

  1. the costs involved
  2. learning about other cultures
  3. ……………. (your own idea)

FCE Exam – Paper 2: Writing

TOPIC 5 – Part 1

You must answer this question. Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

  1. Your class has been talking about physical appearance. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write your essay using all the notes provided. You must also give reasons for your opinions.

“Some people are too concerned with the way they look. They should focus on improving their personality and knowledge instead”

Do you agree?


You must write about:

  1. why people are concerned about the way they look
  2. what aspects of character should be improved
  3. ……………. (your own idea)

First Certificate in English – Writing Correction

Preise Essay-Korrektur

  • 2 Essays: CHF 55.-
  • 4 Essays: CHF 99.-
  • 6 Essays: CHF 129.-


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