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English vocabulary A2 Test

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English Vocabulary A2

English Vocabulary A2

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1. Translate the word into German: arrive
2. Translate the word into German: animal
3. Translate the word into German: talk
4. Translate the word into German: boring
5. Translate the word into German: interesting
6. Translate the word into English: arbeiten
7. Translate the word into English: hören
8. Translate the word into English: Buch
9. Translate the word into English: Samstag
10. Translate the word into Englisch: spielen
11. Translate the sentences into German: I am playing a game on my phone.
12. Translate the sentence into German: Today I meet my friend.
13. Translate the sentence into English: Am Wochenende gehe ich an den Strand.
14. Translate the sentence into English: Ich lebe in Deutschland.
15. Where do you_____________?
16. They__________like golf.
17. They are talking______the football match.
18. There is a nice picture__________the wall.
19. He__________know the answer.
20. What are______________names?
21. I saw two_________ at the bus stop
22. Please________careful!
23. Olivia is on________________________.
24. Holly is watching a__________________.
25. Olivia and Holly are talking on ___________.
26. The colour of the dog is_________________.
27. The girl has brown_____________________.
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